A Look Back - 2020
A Look Back
I have never been one to think too much about the things that are wrong. What is not good. What has gone awry.
I am very aware of current events, both globally and specific to our nation. I choose not to dwell on them. And I think I am happier because of it.
Do I find myself at times concerned for the future? You bet! Is there is anything I can do to help better things? I'm in! Will I feed my mind with hopeless, often over-blown, gloom and doom predictions and information that assault me from every side? Never!
I am living this crazy, mixed-up reality along with everyone else. I have been disappointed, confused, and sometimes angry. My heart aches daily for those that find themselves without enough money to make ends meet. No, it's not been "all good" by any means.
There are, however, so many things that I look back on that make me smile. Things that I am thankful for. Memories that I will keep forever. Relationships renewed. A even deeper understanding of people that I thought I knew. All in all, on a personal level, it has been a pretty good year.
Here are just a few things that make me smile from 2020. What smiles are you taking away from 2020?
...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think on these things. Phil. 4:8